prop firms

True Forex Funds Review

True Forex Funds Review

True Forex Funds supports traders on their path to successful trading endeavors. The main aim is to grant traders the liberty to execute trades as per their preferences, ensuring no interference with their trading strategies. Traders have the opportunity to earn significant returns, with the ability to manage accounts up to $200,000 and keep 80% of the profits made. This opportunity spans a wide array of financial markets including forex pairs, commodities, indices, stocks, and cryptocurrencies.

Basic information:

Account size up to:


Raiting 5.0

Available Funding Programs

Funding Program "Standard Offer"

True Forex Funds Prime Offer provides traders the opportunity to manage accounts from $10,000 to $200,000. Its foremost objective is to identify and cultivate traders who consistently show profit and excel in risk management throughout a two-stage evaluation process. Those participating in the Prime Offer benefit from the ability to trade with leverage up to 1:100 and the option to fund their account in USD, EUR, or GBP.

In the initial evaluation phase, traders aim for an 8% profit while staying within a 5% maximum daily loss and a 10% total loss limit. It’s important to note that traders have a 30-day window to achieve the profit target in this phase and are required to trade on at least 5 distinct days to move on to the next phase.

The subsequent evaluation phase follows similar loss restrictions but with a lower profit target of 5%. Traders are allotted 60 days to reach this target and need to trade for at least 5 different days to progress to a fully funded account.

Once both phases are successfully completed, traders obtain access to a funded account with no minimum withdrawal conditions, only adhering to the 5% daily loss and 8% total loss restrictions. The initial payout is processed 14 days after the first transaction on the funded account, followed by bi-weekly withdrawal opportunities. Profit shares are distributed at 80% of the profits earned on the funded account.

Scaling Plan for Standard Offer

The Prime Offer encompasses a growth strategy that incentivizes sustained profitability. Traders who demonstrate a profitable performance over three months, averaging an 8% return and conducting at least three successful withdrawals, become eligible for a 25% enhancement of their initial account size.

For example:

  • A proficient $100,000 account increases to $125,000 after three months.
  • After the subsequent three months, a proficient $125,000 account rises to $150,000.
  • Then, a proficient $150,000 account boosts to $175,000 after another three months.
  • The growth pattern continues accordingly.

Standard Offer Guidelines

  • Profit Target: Traders are required to achieve a certain profit percentage to complete an evaluation phase, withdraw earnings, or scale their account. The initial phase sets an 8% profit goal, and the second phase requires a 5% profit. Funded accounts don’t have defined profit targets.
  • Maximum Daily Loss: This limit defines the maximum loss a trader can incur in a single day without invalidating the account. A 5% daily loss limit is applied to all accounts.
  • Maximum Loss: This indicates the total loss limit a trader can reach before the account is breached. A 10% loss limit is set for all accounts.
  • Minimum Trading Days: Traders need to engage in trading for a specific number of days to successfully complete an evaluation phase. A minimum of 5 trading days is mandatory for both phases.
  • Maximum Trading Period: This timeframe specifies the duration within which traders must achieve their profit objectives and conclude an evaluation phase. The first phase is capped at 30 calendar days, while the second phase extends up to 60 calendar days.

Funding Program "Quick Funding"

True Forex Funds Accelerated Funding presents traders with the opportunity to manage accounts ranging from $10,000 to $200,000. The aim is to identify and cultivate proficient traders who consistently achieve profits and adeptly manage risks through a structured two-stage evaluation process. Accelerated Funding allows trading with leverage up to 1:100 and offers the choice to fund accounts in USD, EUR, or GBP.

In the primary evaluation phase, traders are tasked with hitting an 8% profit target while staying within the 5% maximum daily loss and 10% total loss limits. Notably, traders are given a 30-day timeframe to achieve this profit target in the first phase, without a stipulated minimum trading day requirement to progress to the subsequent phase.

The following evaluation phase requires traders to secure a 5% profit target, maintaining adherence to the same daily and total loss limits. In this stage, traders have 60 days to meet the profit target, again without a mandatory minimum trading day requirement to transition to a fully funded account.

Once both phases are successfully navigated, traders are awarded a funded account free from minimum withdrawal restrictions. It is crucial to observe the 5% maximum daily loss and 8% total loss limits. The first withdrawal opportunity is presented 14 days after the initial trade on the funded account, with the possibility for bi-weekly withdrawal requests thereafter. Profit returns are distributed at an 80% rate to the trader.

Quick Funding Growth Plan

Quick Funding also incorporates a growth plan. Traders showcasing profitability over the previous three months, with an average 8% return in this timeframe and completing at least three successful withdrawals, become qualified for a 25% increase in their original account size.

For instance:

  • After 3 Months: An eligible $100,000 account increases to $125,000.
  • Subsequent to Another 3 Months: An eligible $125,000 account expands to $150,000.
  • Following an Additional 3 Months: An eligible $150,000 account advances to $175,000.
  • The growth trajectory continues in this manner.

Quick Funding Trading Guidelines & Objectives

  • Profit Target: Traders must achieve a set profit rate to effectively finalize an evaluation phase, withdraw earnings, or enhance their trading scope. A requisite 8% profit is set for Phase 1, while a 5% target is established for Phase 2. Funded accounts do not have designated profit targets.
  • Maximum Daily Loss: This parameter sets the utmost loss a trader can sustain in a single day without affecting the account, established at 5% for all account sizes.
  • Maximum Loss: This parameter indicates the aggregate loss limit a trader can incur before the account is deemed compromised, capped at 10% for all accounts.
  • Maximum Trading Period: This timeframe specifies the maximum duration available for traders to meet their profit objectives and complete the evaluation phase. The first phase is limited to 30 calendar days, with the second phase extending to 60 calendar days.

Funding Program "Timeless Funding"

True Forex Funds Timeless Funding presents traders with the opportunity to manage accounts from $10,000 to $200,000. The aim is to identify and assist traders who consistently achieve profits and effectively manage risks throughout a detailed two-phase evaluation. Timeless Funding offers the benefit of trading with up to 1:100 leverage and the option to fund accounts in USD, EUR, or GBP.

In the first phase of evaluation, traders strive to reach an 8% profit while staying within a 5% maximum daily loss and a 10% total loss threshold. Notably, there’s no fixed maximum number of trading days for this phase, but traders must participate in trading for a minimum of five days to proceed to the subsequent phase.

The second phase of evaluation maintains the same loss limits but reduces the profit target to 5%. Like the first phase, there’s no limit on the number of trading days, but traders must complete at least five days of trading to move forward to a fully funded account.

After successfully completing both evaluation stages, traders gain access to a funded account with no restrictions on withdrawals. Traders must adhere to the 5% maximum daily loss and 10% total loss rules. The initial profit withdrawal is accessible 14 days after the first trade on the funded account, followed by the option for bi-weekly withdrawals. Traders are awarded an 80% share of the profits earned on the funded account.

Growth Strategy for Timeless Funding

Timeless Funding includes a growth strategy that rewards sustained profitability. Traders who show consistent profitability over the previous three months, with an average 8% return during this period and at least three successful withdrawals, are eligible for a 25% increase in their original account size.

For instance:

  • After 3 Months: A qualifying $100,000 account increases to $125,000.
  • After An Additional 3 Months: A qualifying $125,000 account rises to $150,000.
  • Following Yet Another 3 Months: A qualifying $150,000 account boosts to $175,000.
  • The growth pattern persists accordingly.

Timeless Funding Trading Guidelines & Goals

  • Profit Target: Traders are tasked with achieving a set profit margin to effectively complete an evaluation phase, withdraw profits, or enhance their trading scope. An 8% profit is expected in Phase 1, with a 5% profit needed for Phase 2. Funded accounts aren’t subject to specific profit targets.
  • Maximum Daily Loss: This sets the limit for the most significant loss a trader can incur in a single day without affecting the account, at 5% for all account sizes.
  • Maximum Loss: This specifies the cumulative loss limit a trader can reach before the account is deemed compromised, at 10% for all accounts.
  • Minimum Trading Days: Traders are required to trade for a certain minimum number of days to successfully complete an evaluation phase. Both phases require at least 5 trading days.

Funding Program "One-phase Funding"

True Forex Funds Unified-phase Funding offers traders the opportunity to manage account sizes between $10,000 and $200,000. The objective is to identify and bolster disciplined, profitable traders adept at efficient risk management during a single evaluation phase. Unified-phase Funding provides the chance to trade with leverage up to 1:30, as well as the option to fund your account in USD, EUR, or GBP.

In the evaluation phase, traders aim for a 10% profit while staying within the confines of a 3% maximum daily loss and a 6% overall loss limit. It’s important to recognize that traders are given a 30-day window to achieve this profit goal during this phase and must engage in trading for at least 5 days to progress to a funded account.

Once the evaluation phase is successfully completed, traders are granted access to a funded account free from any minimum withdrawal requirements. They must continue to comply with the 3% maximum daily loss and 6% total loss rules. The initial chance to withdraw profits is available 14 days after the first trade on the funded account, followed by the option for bi-weekly withdrawals. Profit shares are allocated at 80% of the total earnings on the funded account.

Growth Plan for One-phase Funding

Unified-phase Funding includes a scaling plan designed to incentivize continuous performance. Traders who exhibit profitability over a three-month period, with an average return of 8% during this period and a minimum of three successful withdrawals, become eligible for a 25% increase in their initial account size.

For instance:

  • After 3 Months: A qualifying $100,000 account is elevated to $125,000.
  • After a Subsequent 3 Months: A qualifying $125,000 account advances to $150,000.
  • Following an Additional 3 Months: A qualifying $150,000 account is augmented to $175,000.
  • The growth trajectory proceeds in this manner.

One-phase Guidelines

  • Profit Target: Traders are tasked with achieving a specific profit threshold to successfully finalize the evaluation phase, withdraw profits, or expand their trading capacity. The evaluation phase sets a profit requirement of 10%. Funded accounts do not have designated profit targets.
  • Maximum Daily Loss: This specifies the maximum loss a trader can sustain in a single day without affecting the account, fixed at 3% for all account sizes.
  • Maximum Loss: This outlines the cumulative loss limit a trader can incur before the account is deemed compromised, established at 6% for all accounts.
  • Minimum Trading Days: Traders are required to trade for a specific minimum number of days to successfully complete the evaluation phase. At least 5 trading days are mandatory.
  • Maximum Trading Period: This period indicates the maximum timeframe available for traders to achieve their profit objectives and conclude the evaluation phase, set at 30 calendar days.

Is it Practical to Obtain Capital from True Forex Funds?

Evaluating the practicality of trading prerequisites is crucial when selecting proprietary trading firms that align with your forex trading strategy. The prospect of a generous profit split from a well-resourced account may be appealing, yet its feasibility may decline if the firm sets demanding monthly profit targets along with strict maximum drawdown ratios, which significantly reduce the likelihood of success. Moreover, examining time restrictions is essential, with a preference for an unlimited trading timeframe to alleviate the anxiety associated with time-related pressures. Importantly, a comprehensive understanding of all trading regulations throughout the evaluation and funded stages is critical to prevent any accidental violations of your trading account’s terms.

  • Raising capital via the Standard Offer is achievable, primarily because of its relatively modest profit targets (8% in phase one and 5% in phase two) coupled with regular maximum loss guidelines (5% daily and 10% total maximum loss). It’s important to note the defined trading period of 30 calendar days for phase one and 60 days for phase two, along with the necessity of a minimum of 5 trading days. Additionally, successfully navigating both evaluation phases qualifies traders for payouts with a lucrative 80% profit share.
  • Earning capital through Quick Funding is plausible, chiefly due to its reasonable profit targets (8% in phase one and 5% in phase two) paired with regular maximum loss rules (5% daily and 10% total maximum loss). The critical trading period is limited to 30 days for phase one and 60 days for phase two, without any compulsory minimum trading days. Moreover, completing both phases allows traders to receive payouts with an attractive 80% profit share.
  • Attaining capital from Timeless Funding is realistic, mainly thanks to its balanced profit objectives (8% in phase one and 5% in phase two) and typical maximum loss criteria (5% daily and 10% total maximum loss). This option doesn’t set a maximum limit on trading days but does require a minimum of 5 trading days. After successfully completing both phases, traders are rewarded with payouts and an 80% share of the profits.
  • Securing capital via One-phase Funding is viable, particularly because of its sensible 10% profit aim and standard maximum loss parameters (3% daily and 6% total maximum loss). This method imposes a trading period limitation of 30 days and requires at least 5 trading days. Successfully concluding the evaluation phase entitles traders to receive payouts with an 80% share of the profits.
  • Upon reviewing all elements, True Forex Funds is highly endorsed with its diverse range of four unique funding programs, offering both multiple and single evaluation phases, each presenting realistic trading objectives and conditions to qualify for payouts.

Earnings Verification

True Forex Funds, inaugurated in October 2021, is recognized as a proprietary trading firm with a vast network of traders who have attained funded status and are eligible for a portion of the profits.

Once traders achieve funded status via any of True Forex Funds’ programs like the Standard Offer, Quick Funding, Timeless Funding, or One-phase Funding, they are positioned to receive their initial payout following a 14-day waiting period. Additional payouts are scheduled bi-weekly, contingent on the account’s growth beyond its initial value. Traders can anticipate a lucrative 80% share of the profits accrued on their funded account.

For individuals in search of tangible proof of True Forex Funds’ payout history, a plethora of testimonials and documents are readily available online. Platforms such as Trustpilot offer a space for traders to recount their experiences and payout journeys with the firm. Moreover, True Forex Funds maintains YouTube and Discord channels, which act as vaults for various payout certificates, illustrating the triumphs of numerous traders.

The images provided below serve as examples of the payout certificates and payment confirmations.